What is the Role of Hormones in Aging?
Hormones are part of the endocrine system of glands in the body, and are responsible for optimal growth and development throughout life.
The pituitary gland is located in the brain and thyroid, the parathyroid in the neck, the adrenal on kidneys, and the pancreas is in the abdomen. These all release various hormones that help control function of organs.
Hormonal imbalances can cause a range of issues including throwing off metabolism, viral illnesses, cancer and more. In basic terms, hormones control the speed at which the body ages. When hormone levels decrease, the body slows down and ages faster.
What Hormones are Related to Aging?
The hormones related to aging processes include melatonin, endorphins, estrogen and testosterone. Hormone production reduces as the body ages and this is seen through changes in appearance, physique and emotional and mental well-being.
Melatonin regulates sleep cycles and low levels can lead to sleep deprivation, which reduces immunity and well-being. Melatonin is considered the wonder drug and is reputed to extend life substantially.
Endorphins are released through exercise and help promote good feelings and reduce stress and the damage it causes on the body.
Testosterone promotes protein formation in skin, muscles and bone. A decrease in both men and women can cause changes that can be both felt and seen including loss of muscle mass and tone, weakened bones, changes in hair and lower sex drive.
DHEA impacts immunity, memory and energy, and protects bone density.
ACTH stimulates the adrenal gland to release cortisol, the stress hormone. When too much is released with stress, it can cause weight fluctuations, aging skin, fatigue, premature aging of immune cells and sleeplessness.
Hormone Supplementation Starts with Simple Tests
Hormones decrease as the body ages, but the great news is they can be balanced and restored with supplementation. The best way to approach hormone supplementation is by having your hormone levels tested, and beginning a hormone regimen based on the results.
Hormone testing can be done easily at a doctors office, or even at a walk-in lab testing center, which will provide results for you to review, even if you choose not to supplement.