Here are 7 Healthy eating tips to cleanse your system, strengthen your organs and boost your energy levels all day.
1. Start your day with a tall glass of hot lemon water.
Give your kidneys and liver some love in the morning! Hot lemon water helps rehydrate your body, flushes your digestive system and helps prevent kidney stones. Hot lemon water also helps detoxify your liver, which will help you burn more belly fat more effectively.
2. Be prudent with protein. Most people need around half a pound of meat protein a whole day.
- For example, an average woman should eat no more than 7oz of salmon as her protein for the day. This could be all in one meal, or 3.5 in two meals, or 2-3 oz in 3 meals. You do not need to eat a big portion of meat or protein at each meal.There are many reasons why too much protein is unhealthy, but one is this: too much protein taxes your kidneys, which can lead to kidney damage or in rare cases, renal failure. Eating too much red meat is shown to contribute to higher risk of cancer.
3. Eat healthy fats like avocados or nuts.
- They fill you up and are good brain food. Both are packed with fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals. Both are heart healthy and help lower your cholesterol with monounsaturated fats.
4. Eat Tons of Vegetables. Limit Fruit Intake.
- Both are great for you, but many fruits do contain a lot of sugar, and more than you need. While the sugar in fruit is better for you than the sugar found in processed foods, it can still have an effect on your blood sugar levels. So research the fruits you like and make sure you’re not eating too much sugar in your fruit choices.
5. Be Cautious and Conservative When Consuming Fruit Juices.
- Many fruit juices, especially those that are not freshly squeezed, contain extremely high amounts of sugar. If you don’t squeeze your own fruit juices, make sure to read the label and choose juices that are not too high in sugar.
6. Consume Adequate Calcium.
- As all people age, calcium levels decline for muscle, nerve and heart health. Your bones go through constant remodeling, which means that calcium is removed and replaced with new calcium. If you don’t consume enough new calcium to replace your lost calcium, your bones will weaken and become brittle and prone to breaking. Broken bones can be life threatening as you grow older. Do your body a favor, and regardless of your age or sex, start consuming the proper amount of calcium now. Calcium is in a number of sources including spinach, kale, salmon, trout, milk and fortified cereals.
7. Take a Multivitamin to Prevent Major Vitamin Deficiencies.
- It’s ideal to get your daily supplement intake with fresh foods. But it’s not always practical to rely on foods to give you all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients that your body needs. Find a good multivitamin and start taking it daily. It will serve as an insurance policy to help ensure your body has what it needs to keep all your bodily functions running smoothly, and keep aging at bay. Try to find one with extra Vitamin D for added benefits.